Friday, June 24, 2011

Hearts for Christchurch

I have talked before about heart quilts for families impacted by the Pike River mine explosion and Christchurch earthquakes.

Yesterday our government went some way to address the problems relating to advising families whether they could progress with staying or leaving their properties.

Day to day living has to go on in the meantime and the feedback is that heart quilts are very much appreciated by recipients.

One can only imagine how cold some people must be with winter in full swing and if a heart quilt can bring some comfort then the efforts of those who make them is all the more worth while.

Our small home group of Sweet Pea Quilters committed to making 3 quilts and we finally managed to complete them this week. 3 quilts is only a small number in the whole sum of things but it has been nice to be able to participate and be part of a much larger project.

You can see more about the quilts we made on my sister, Linda's, blog.

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